Whether it is the basic needs of a woman in a relationship or a man, a relationship needs assessment and there are a few important core needs in a relationship. You must identify them.
Relationships must be fulfilling and in order for your relationship to be a positive factor in your life you need to identify your relationship needs.
However, you must ask this question about how to know your core beliefs and needs. What are your needs in a relationship and can they be different from others?
Let us find out a few basic core relationship needs and also we will tell you how to find your needs in a relationship.
When we are talking about identifying your needs in a relationship, we have to talk about how you must identify your love language.
Love language is a set of actions or perhaps words that will basically help you express affection and also get affection.
In the basic relationship needs and wants, this is perhaps the most important thing simply because this is what cements the relationship into something significant.
Your love language can be anything from physical touch, actions that induce love, perhaps encouraging words or even spending quality time with your partner.
It can be anything from working together to holding hands or even doing something together like watching a movie.
This action can be quite simple but it can express love and show affection. It can even be receiving gifts from your partner.
The main thing about this is that you must identify your love language and also the love language of your partner and you must communicate that with them.
After that, you must do frequently what your partner likes and your partner will also be able to understand to do what you like in return.
No relationship is perfect and there is probably something that you do not like in the relationship.
There is nothing to feel bad about here because there will of course be something that you cannot stand about your partner and that might even be bad for them.
Perhaps your partner is obsessed with something and perhaps they are addicted to something and you hate it about them.
Perhaps you are not happy with something that they do and perhaps that simple thing is creating a wedge in the relationship.
There is a simple exercise that you can do with your partner that is going to be very healthy for your relationship and that is also going to be very good for communication.
You can grab a piece of paper and simply print out sentences that need to be completed. Sentences like “I love it when he………………….”.
Or perhaps it can be sentences like “I hate it when she…………..” .
This sheet of paper should not only contain negative points but also positive points and you and your partner must sit together and fill up this exercise.
This will not only be something that you will do together and it will be something that will be fun to do together. But at the same time, it will be enough to communicate the message.
After that, you can talk about every point. Communication is the key here.
One of the most important things you can do is to understand your priorities and these priorities can be different for everyone.
You need to understand what are the things that you need in your life and you must also understand what is the ranking of those things.
Perhaps there are some things that have more value in your life than others. Perhaps you are a religious person and it is your religion and perhaps it can also be a political affiliation.
You must prioritise everything that you have in your life and create a list of them.
You can take as much time as you want but you must make sure that the list is going to be detailed and as close as possible to your actual personality.
The next thing you must do is to ask your partner to do the same and you must not be with them when they do that and they must do this in isolation.
You can take entire weekends to do this but you must make sure that you update it before you do the reveal.
In the next point, we are going to talk about how this can be helpful to you.
After you have created the priority list and you have asked your partner to create their very own priority list, it is time that you do something with it.
And when we mean that you must do something with it, you must be ready to take some time off from your work or even create some special time such as going on a vacation.
Then you must create a moment that is not at all awkward and that feels like a couple’s exercise because if you do not do this then things can get awkward.
Then you must reveal one by one from the bottom all the list of important things that matter to your life.
It should go like this, the last thing on your list followed by the last thing on your partner’s list, and after you do that, you must discuss how important it is with them and ask them to do it as well.
This will only be successful if both of you do this together or else it might look like one of you is the more important person.
After you reveal all of them you must sit with them and discuss how important this relationship is to you and you must also tell them how important they are that you have decided to reveal this list.
If you do this correctly then this can have an amazing effect on your relationship.
We hope this blog has been helpful to you to identify your core needs and also to communicate them with your partner.
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